Previously evaluated coursework from select colleges and universities is listed below. All approved transfer credits will be applied as general elective credits. A substitution form approved by the relevant department is required to apply transfer credits toward a major, minor, or concentration requirement. Please note, most departments limit the number of external credits that can be applied toward a major.
For current students : To seek approval for courses not listed here, please email a link to the course description to Assistant Registrar Raechel Scholz at .
For incoming first-year and transfer students : Contact your admissions representative to discuss transfer coursework and how it may apply.
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1. Choose K Course AFST-ELEC African Studies Elective ANSO-103 Intro to Society & Culture ANSO-205 Urban Sociology ANSO-210 Medicine & Society ANSO-212 Quantitative Research Methods ANSO-225 Sex and Sexualities ANSO-236 Race and Racism ANSO-ELEC Anthropology/Sociology Elec ARTX-105 Basic Drawing ARTX-116 Photography I ARTX-125 Ceramics: Wheel Throwing ARTX-128 Painting: Trad. Practices ARTX-201 Visual Fundamentals ARTX-250 Intro Documentary Video ARTX-316 Intermediate Photography ARTX-ELEC Art & Art History Elective BIOL-224 Ecology & Conservation w/Lab BIOL-ELEC Biology Elective BUSN-150 Principles of Accounting BUSN-205 Principles of Management BUSN-215 Managerial Accounting BUSN-220 Principles of Marketing BUSN-279 Organizational Behavior BUSN-ELEC Business Elective CHEM-101 Chemistry and Society CHEM-110 Composition & Structure W/Lab CHEM-120 Chemical Reactivity W/Lab CHEM-120L Chemical Reactivity Lab CHEM-210 Organic Chemistry I CHEM-220 Organic Chemistry II CHEM-220L Organic Chemistry II Lab CHEM-240 Analytical Chemistry w/Lab CHEM-310 Chem Therm & Kinetics CHEM-ELEC Chemistry Elective CHIN-101 Beginning Chinese I CHIN-102 Beginning Chinese II CHIN-103 Beginning Chinese III CHIN-ELEC Chinese Elective CLAS-210 Classical Mythology CLAS-ELEC Classics Elective COMP-102 Prog. Basics: JavaScript/WebD COMP-105 Intro Computer Science w/Lab COMP-107 Pictures & Sounds w/Lab COMP-108 Intro to Scientific Computing COMP-150 Object Oriented Programming COMP-210 Data Structures COMP-315 Computer Organization COMP-ELEC Computer Science Elective ECON-105 Princ of Micro Economics ECON-106 Princ of Macro Economics ECON-155 Math Methods for Busn & Econ ECON-160 Statistics for Business & Econ ECON-305 Intermediate Microeconomics ECON-310 Organizational Behavior ECON-ELEC Economics and Business Elec ENGL-107 Intro to Creative Writing ENGL-141 Reading Short Fiction ENGL-152 RTW: Genre ENGL-153 RTW: Classical Hollywood ENGL-215 Creative Nonfiction Workshop ENGL-220 African American Literature ENGL-265 Shakespeare ENGL-266 Discoveries: British Lit ENGL-ELEC English Elective ENVS-115 Environmental Science ENVS-ELEC Environmental Studies Elective FREN-101 Beginning French I FREN-ELEC French Elective GED-ELEC General Education Elective GERM-204 Advanced German II GERM-ELEC German Elective HDSR-ELEC Human Dev. & Social Rel. Elec HIST-100 World of Antiquity HIST-101 Medieval & Early Mod Europe HIST-102 Modern Europe HIST-110 History of the U.S. I HIST-111 History of the U.S. II HIST-217 Post-World War II America HIST-ELEC History Elective HUMA-ELEC Humanities Elective IAST-ELEC Intn't & Area Elective IDSY-ELEC Interdisciplinary Elective LANG-ELEC Language Elective LATN-201 Intermediate Latin MATH-105 Quantitative Reasoning MATH-112 Calculus I MATH-113 Calculus II MATH-214 Calculus III MATH-240 Linear Algebra and Vectors MATH-260 Applied Statistics MATH-280 Ordinary Differential Equation MATH-310 Complex and Vector Variables MATH-320 Real Analysis I MATH-362 Probability MATH-365 Mathematical Statistics MATH-ELEC Mathematics Elective MUSC-105 Intro to Music MUSC-165 Jazz Explorations MUSC-205 Music Theory I MUSC-305 Music Theory II MUSC-E201 College Singers MUSC-ELEC Music Elective MUSC-ENSM Music Ensemble MUSC-L231 Piano MUSC-L241 Voice MUSC-L257 Group Guitar Fundamentals MUSC-LESN Music Lessons PED-135 Mind/Body I PED-210 Nutrition PED-ACT Ped Activity PED-ELEC Physical Education Elective PHIL-105 Ethics PHIL-107 Logic and Reasoning PHIL-206 Early Modern Philosophy PHIL-212 Philosophy of Social Science PHIL-305 Biomedical Ethics PHIL-ELEC Philosophy Elective PHYS-102 Astronomy PHYS-105 Sustainable Energy PHYS-150 Introductory Physics I w/Lab PHYS-152 Intro Physics II w/Lab PHYS-340 Classical Dynamics w/Lab PHYS-360 Thermal Physics w/Lab PHYS-ELEC Physics Elective POLS-105 Intro to U.S. Politics POLS-106 Intro to Comparative Politics POLS-107 Intro International Politics POLS-263 American Political Thought POLS-295 ST: American Judicial Process POLS-ELEC Political Science Elective PSYC-101 General Psychology PSYC-201 Health Psychology PSYC-210 Developmental Psychology PSYC-226 Physiological Psychology PSYC-230 Psychology of Prejudice PSYC-250 Social Psychology PSYC-275 Intro to Psychopathology W/ la PSYC-280 Cognition PSYC-295 Health Psychology PSYC-301 Intro Psych Research Methods PSYC-ELEC Psychology Elective RELG-110 Introduction to New Testament RELG-160 History & Religion of Ancient RELG-ELEC Religion Elective SPAN-ELEC Spanish Elective THEA-ELEC Theatre Arts Elective WGS-ELEC Women Studies Elective WRIT-130 First-Year Seminar