Credit/ No Credit and Withdrawal Policies

Credit/ No Credit (CR/NC)

CR/NC Policy:

Students in good academic standing may elect to take at most one letter-graded course per term as CR/NC for a total of up to four courses while enrolled at Kalamazoo College. Courses taken CR/NC cannot be applied major, minor, or concentration (including cognates) requirements. Students may elect this option for at most one course in any one department. Before signing this form, please be sure to investigate all possible implications:

  • This form is due to the Registrar’s Office on or before Friday of eighth week of the quarter during which Credit\No Credit is a course registration option.
  • Once declared a Credit\No Credit course, the course cannot be converted back to a letter-graded course.
  • Declaration of a course as Credit\No Credit makes the student ineligible for the Dean’s List consideration for that quarter.
  • Many graduate schools and professional institutions may not accept Credit\No Credit graded coursework in subjects related to an intended program of study.
  • Students may retake a CR/NC option for a letter grade.
  • The course will not satisfy prerequisites for those course sequences that require a “C- or better.”
  • The course will not satisfy the last course in the language requirement (103 or 201) or any of the Shared Passages Seminar requirements.
  • Students on Level 1, Level 2, or Final Probation may not elect to take a course CR/NC.

Your advisor’s approval is needed to change a class to CR/NC

Course Withdrawal

Course Withdrawal Implications:

  • The responsibility for understanding the implications of underloading for a term or withdrawing from a course ultimately falls on the student. This information is intended to assist you in making a good decision.
  • International students are responsible for maintaining their own visa status while in the U.S., which includes enrollment in at least 2.4 units per term.
  • Generally, all students should discuss the choice to withdraw with an advisor or the Registrar to make sure they understand how this withdrawal may or may not impact their opportunity to graduate on time or meet any other academic conditions.
  • Students withdrawing below two full-time courses need permission from the Dean of Students.
  • Students receiving any form of financial aid should review the College’s policy on Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress. If clarification of the policy is required, speak with a representative of the Financial Aid Office.
  • Also, if you are a student-athlete, discuss this choice with your coach to be sure you will continue to be eligible to participate.

Some instances that require special consideration:

  1. Students who are on “probation” for Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  2. Students who are on probation for Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress must complete 3 full unit courses; therefore, underloading, dropping, or withdrawing from a course at any time in the quarter will result in cancellation of their financial aid eligibility for the next quarter. Students who are placed on
    financial aid probation are notified by letter and email from staff in the Financial Aid Office. If you have any uncertainty about your financial aid status, it is best to meet with a financial aid staff person to discuss your status.
  3. Student on Academic Probation of any kind.

Your advisor’s approval is needed in order to withdrawal from a course.