Before submitting any forms, please discuss any requests, changes, or petitions with the appropriate faculty member. Once submitted, the form will be routed to the necessary faculty for completion. Ensure that all information provided is accurate.
You should receive an email confirmation upon submission of your form. If you do not receive this within 24 hours, please contact our office.
A separate email confirmation will be sent once your request has been fully processed.
Students MUST use their Kalamazoo College credentials when filling out the form. Your request WILL be denied if you do not use your Kalamazoo College email address.
Academic Standards Petition Form:
Directions for petitioning the Academic Standards Committee.
Change of Advisor Form:
Change of Advisor form to use when changing advisors. First-Year students must have permission from the Director of Advising to change advisors.
Course Withdrawal Form:
Course Withdrawal form to use when you are withdrawing from a course. Advisor signature is required – course instructor signature is not required. The deadline is Friday of Week 8.
Credit/No Credit Form:
Credit/No Credit form and guidelines for designating a letter-graded course to be graded credit/no credit. The deadline is Friday of Week 8.
Declaration Form:
Declaration form used to add or remove majors, minors, or concentrations. Department chair permission and advisor’s signature is required to add a major, minor, or concentration. Advisor’s signature is needed to drop a major, minor, concentration.
Degree Audit Request Form:
Degree Audit Request form is used for Seniors who would like to request a degree audit or have general questions. This form can also be used if you feel corrections need to be made to your audit.
Drop/Permission to Add Form:
Drop/Permission to Add form for use when instructor permission is required (e.g., to go over the cap, to override prerequisites). The form should only be used to drop classes on Thursday or Friday of the first week of the term or during the second week for partial unit art, music, or theatre classes. All other drops can be completed online.
Duplicate Diploma:
Duplicate Diploma form for ordering additional copies of official diploma.
Engineering Dual Degree Transfer:
Duplicate Diploma form is used by 3/2 students.
Enrollment Verification Form:
Enrollment Verification form used to verify enrollment for current or past terms. Future enrollment can only be verified once registration is complete.
Independent Study Form:
Independent Study form is needed to register for an independent study course with a professor.
Individual Substitution Form:
Use this form to document departmental permission to substitute a course taken at Kalamazoo College or elsewhere for a major, minor, or concentration requirement. This form is necessary to count transfer, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or study abroad credit toward a major, minor, or concentration.
Institutionally Recognized Name:
Policy, Procedure, and Request form for the College’s Institutionally Recognized Name
Interinstitutional Form:
Interinstitutional form is needed to register for courses at another institution.
Overload Form:
Overload form for if you want to register for a course overload (more than 3.9 units). Advisor approval is required.
Request to Withhold Directory Information (FERPA):
The Request to Withhold Directory Information form is used if a student does not want their directory information shared, or if they would like to reverse a previous form.
SIP Registration Form:
A SIP Registration form is required to register for your Senior Individualized Project. Students cannot register for SIPs on Hornet HQ.
SIP Substitution Form:
A SIP Substitution form is used to replace your SIP with course work.
Syllabus Request Form
The Syllabus Request form can be used to request syllabi from previous terms. Students should contact the instructor directly if they are seeking a syllabus for a future term.
Transcript Requests:
Instructions for ordering official and unofficial copies of student transcripts. Unofficial copies of transcripts are available to current students only. Orders and payment must be made online and can be delivered electronically, via Federal Express or the US Postal service, or picked up in the Registrar’s Office.
Update Contact Information:
Update contact information form used to update student and parent address, phone number, email (parent only).
Athlete Underload Form
Form for Athletes who are eligible to underload.
Non-Athlete Intent to Underload
For Non-Athletes intending to underload in any given term.